Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Content Curation

Storify can be used to help students connect with the news. Photos and videos can be collected and merged into one document that chronicles events. Storify would be great to use in a history classroom to create a timeline of events. It could also be used to create a multimedia book report. The following link gives additional information about Storify: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/storify/. The storify logo looks like this
storify curation tool

Intervue Me

Intervue is an excellent tool. Teachers can pose open ended questions and students can give video responses to the questions. This would also be an excellent way for students who may want some input about various subject matter to pose questions. People can click on the question and if they opt to respond, give a video response. The responses can either be public or private. Elementary teachers can use this to give spelling tests and have students spell the words. Also, this would be a great tool to use to do virtual literature circles and have book talks.

Remind 101

Remind 101 is a website that allows teachers to communicate with students and parents. Once a teacher adds a class, a unique code is generated. The teacher shares the code with the students and parents and they can use this code to subscribe to the teacher's class. Teachers can send messages about homework, field trips, tests, PTO meetings. Any information that the teacher needs to make the students and parents aware of can be shared via Remind 101. I highly recommend teachers to go to https://www.remind101.com/ and sign up immediately to begin using this excellent resource.

Narrative Games 2

After trying unsuccessfully for about five minutes to get through the front door in Covert Front, I finally gave up and looked at the walk through. I don't think I would have ever figured out on my own how to get in. I thought repeatedly buzzing the intercom was the key, but I was very wrong. After peeking at the cheat sheet so that I could get through the front door, I promised myself that I would not look at it again. However, after wandering around aimlessly in the mansion and clicking on every object in sight, I soon got tired and decided, to look at the walk through again. It was much easier once the instructions were laid out. I went in the kitchen and got the ice pick and matches, I went in the room and set the clock in order to get the clock key. I went in the little room under the stairs and went several other places inside. I pointed and click for a while until I got tired of seeing "go back" pop up. I did not enjoy playing Covert Front.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Genetics-The Key to Immortality

The theoretical physicists in this video talks about within ten years everyone will be able to obtain a digital copy of their genome for about $1000. The codes will be compared and cures may be found for diseases and aging.

<object width="640" height="360"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/QsHuGQieyjY&rel=0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/QsHuGQieyjY&rel=0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></embed></object>

Identity Theft: Fighting Back

     According to the handout, Take Charge: Fighting Back Against Identity Theft , criminals can steal your identity by gaining access to your personal information. They do this by stealing information while they are on jobs, they hack into your personal information, they steal your mail (this may include bank statements, credit card offers, and checks). The criminals also engage in a practice called dumpster diving in which they rummage through trash dumps to get discarded personal information about the victim. They may steal your wallet or purse and engage in email scams to get information.
     A person's identity is stolen when someone gains unauthorized access into their personal accounts. The victim has accounts opened up in their names by the criminal. The thief may get a driver's license issued with their picture and the victim's name. The thief counterfeits checks and make plenty of unauthorized purchases in the victim's name. The thief may get phone service or other utility services in the victim's name.
     If you are a victim of identity theft, you should place a fraud alert on credit reports and review credit reports. Government issued identifications should be cancel and replacements should be obtained.  Accounts should be closed and a police report should be filed. In addition, a complaint should be filed with the Federal Trade Commission.
     A person can prove that he/she is a victim of identity theft by presenting records with fraudulent signatures. Companies should also be contacted to get records of transactions. This can be a lengthy process; therefore, the victim needs to be very organized and knowledgeable about the case in order to prove that his/her identity was indeed stolen.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sweatin' Outside My Comfort Zone

I worked out with my aunt. That was definitely outside of my comfort zone. My aunt is 63 years old, but she has the energy of a 16 year old. I explained to her that I was trying to get some points for my class, but she did not have any mercy on me. She popped in her Jillian Michael's exercise DVD and proceeded to call out commands to me as if she starred in the making of this video herself. This workout involved a lot of jumping around and squats. I really had a hard time keeping up and kept glancing at my watch so that I could call it quits. After it was over, I hobbled to the refrigerator to get some water and to reflect on the fact that I really need to become more active because my aunt who is almost twice my age had just shamed me. I do recommend this exercise DVD to others who are interested. Maybe one day I will build up the courage to try it again. If and when I do try it again, I will do it by myself.

Narrative Games

Despite prior warnings not to get frustrated playing Peasant's Quest, I still got frustrated. I wandered around aimlessly for about eighteen minutes and twenty-three seconds before I was killed. I wanted to try my luck before reading the walk through cheat sheet. I tried to cross the river, but it did not work. I tried to get the rock, but it would not budge. When I typed "get rock",  I received a message back asking me for what and it said that I was making up puzzles to solve. I came to the inn and tried to get inside, but the door was locked. According to the note, the innkeeper was gone fishing. Finally, I was able to talk to the lady with the baby at the hut. I wanted to sleep, but was not allowed. I tried to get hay, but was informed that there was more hay several screens over. The lady informed me that something was lost in the yard. I tried to search the bushes and dirt to find the lost item, but I did not have any luck. I left the yard and was pounded on the head by some large creature. I have googled the directions for the walk through. Before attempting Peasant's Quest again, I will read the cheat sheet.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Emerging Technology

The Intel Corporation is involved in rigorous research about programmable matter. The theoretical physicist discusses shape shifting. The scientists are researching programmable matter. This is matter that can change shape and color at the push of a button. This happens when atoms rearrange themselves.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pGHKHmOUWb0?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>                                

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My role in protecting the privacy of my students

As a counselor, I play a vital role in protecting the privacy of my students. I never let student matters be a topic for gossip in the teacher's lounge. When dealing with private matters and student information, I use extreme caution to ensure that the information is kept confidential. I only disclose personal information when I have parental/guardian permission in writing. In addition, I only disclose student information to other school officials when they have a legitimate interest in the information. I do my best to protect the privacy of my students.

Sweatin' while I work

It is sad to say, but I normally lead a sedentary life when it comes to working out. I was glad for this quest because it allowed me to wipe the dust off of my exercise bike. I rode for 30 minutes and felt great afterwards. My hunger level was not affected by the workout. However, I was extremely thirsty and was glad that I thought to put a bottle of water in the top of my refrigerator. It did the trick and helped quench my thirst. My legs were a little sore from peddling so vigorously during my workout. In the future, I am going to try to fit working out into my busy schedule. I could really stand to lose all of those extra pounds.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Teaching in a Virtual World Reflection

Traditional instructional design and design for teaching in a virtual world are both similar in that the both require a lot of planning. Lesson plans, objectives, and evaluations are used in both traditional instruction and virtual world instruction. Traditional instruction normally takes place in a classroom, but in virtual worlds classroom space is built or rented. Virtual instructional design takes learning to a whole new level. Learners can construct things and the creators can design whatever they like. Interaction, stimulation, and collaboration enable learning in the virtual environment. Virtual worlds promote more in depth knowledge of the subject matter and facilitate a better learning experience. Social persistence is the idea of keeping people around socially. It is very important because it can be determine how people interact. Data collection is important because it can be used to gauge reactions. It is also used to see who visits virtual worlds and to track use of space. Data collection is also used to determine what promotes use of various features in the virtual worlds. This information is useful because it can help the designers determine ways to implement things in the worlds that will be interesting to those dare venture.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Using Evernote

A practical way to use Evernote in the classroom would be to use an electronic portfolio to house four year educational plans. Students could create the portfolio when they first enter high school. They could add all of the courses they are taking during that particular year. Each year the students could add their classes to their portfolios. They could also input their assigned grades and credits. Therefore, they could have all of this important information at their fingertips. Standardized test scores could be added and students could keep up with their grade point averages. Students could also add information about their plans for life after high school. During the eleventh grade year, they could start researching different majors and colleges and start adding that information to the portfolios.With Evernote, the possibilities are endless.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Exploring EdTech Island

Exploring EdTech Island was an adventure. I explored the Little Red School House. While exploring it, A wave of nostalgia swept over me as I thought about watching Little House on the Prairie and seeing the little one room school house in Walnut Grove. I also explored the Gadgets Factory. I previewed different samples of floor tiles. I went into the innovation pavilion and I sat on the back of a horse statue. When I went to the sandbox, I met a Spanish speaking resident. He wanted to chat, but I am a little rusty with my Spanish. His English speaking friend joined us and we had a brief conversation. They were amazed that I was getting the opportunity to play a game for a class. I ended my exploration of EdTech Island by building my box and sitting on it. I am anxious to see what else lies ahead in the world of Second Life.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Moving and Viewing in Second Life

I actually enjoyed exploring Eagle Island. I walked, ran, and flew over and over again. I went to different locations. I sat in front of a campfire and changed the lighting so it would appear to be midnight. I was a lot more open minded during this quest than I was when I completed the first quest. It seemed to be a lot easier for me to maneuver because at some point, the lightbulb went off and I used the arrow keys to move. Previously, I had been doing a lot of pointing and clicking. Right now, I am feeling a little more optimistic about Second Life, but all of that can change when I get the details of the next quest.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Walking and Moving in Second Life

Walking and moving in Second Life was kind of challenging for me. I am so used to just dragging my mouse and clicking to move, but this was a little different. I ended up teleporting to another location and my instructor had to give me the link to get back to the welcome area. I will say that if I don't become a little better with maneuvering in Second Life, I will not continue the fun once this class is over.  I was finally able to get my screenshots. I think being a Second Life resident will have to grow on me a little more.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Video Game Seduction Secrets Reflection

Some of the same principles applied in gaming should also be applied in the educational arena. The magic circle is mentioned in the article. This is where the rules of the real world do not apply. A learning environment should be a magic circle where the stakeholders play by their own set of rules. In the world of gamers their are many interesting tools. This is true in the educational world as well. There are many interesting tools that can be used to enhance learner. Games use the self determination theory. This theory should also be emphasized in all ares. Therefore, the parties can reach the next stage and acquire rewards and bonuses for exceeding standards.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Reflections on Jane MacGonigal's Talk

Jane MacGonigal is a very captivating speaker. She held my attention from the very moment the video started until the very end. My initial impression of the talk was shock. I was shocked at the number of hours a week we spend playing games. When she mentioned that this was not enough time, I did not think she was serious until she clarified that she was indeed serious. I definitely agree with what she said about seeing the same expression of someone on the verge of an epic win on the face of someone who is trying to solve real life problems. The same energy and concentration should be put into real life that is put into games. I do believe play and learning can be combined. This class is the perfect example of that.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Reflection on the Ted Talk

I was really surprised at the amount of money people spend buying virtual items in games. I was not surprised at the number of people who play the games. I am an avid gamer and I know that millions of people are avid gamers as well. This talk may impact my approach to designing games. I will put a lot of effort into creating games that are very engaging and that will give the players intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.l I like the idea of the experience bar to measure progress. Also, I think the long and short term aims are a great idea. Rewarding effort is good too because the users may be more motivated when they are rewarded just for trying.

Second Life

     Second Life is a virtual world. The users are called residents and they interact with each other. Residents can select and avatar. They explore different destinations and they can buy virtual property. Residents can also communicate and participate in different activities.
    I think the overall usability of Second Life in enriching. Users can go on virtual journeys and communicate with people all around the world. This can all be done behind the mask of an avatar. I think the possibilities of an awesome online experience while using Second Life are endless. I also believe that Second Life has a bright future because it gives its residents an escape from their everyday life experiences.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The $35 Tablet

This tablet is very innovative and cheap. Users can surf the Internet, type, and use various other applications. The design of the tablet is simplistic. The focus is on the performance and not the style. This tablet can have a large impact on education because the low price makes it easily accessible and more children will be able to have one and interace in a fast pace society that has technology as its driving force. Check out this tablet at http://venturebeat.com/2011/10/26/aakash-android-tablet-exclusive/ .

My top Ed Tech Picks for 2012

My top Ed Tech Picks for 2012 are FLRT which stands for Fluent Reading Training and Ascend Math. FLRT is a reading fluency tool that is great to use and has proven effective for fluent readers. Users are able to get an analysis of their reading. Then, they receive direct instruction during a one-on-one lesson.
Ascend math is a web based program that identifies students' weaknesses. The students can then work on interactive lessons and math practice to help improve math skills.