Thursday, April 26, 2012

Genetics-The Key to Immortality

The theoretical physicists in this video talks about within ten years everyone will be able to obtain a digital copy of their genome for about $1000. The codes will be compared and cures may be found for diseases and aging.

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Identity Theft: Fighting Back

     According to the handout, Take Charge: Fighting Back Against Identity Theft , criminals can steal your identity by gaining access to your personal information. They do this by stealing information while they are on jobs, they hack into your personal information, they steal your mail (this may include bank statements, credit card offers, and checks). The criminals also engage in a practice called dumpster diving in which they rummage through trash dumps to get discarded personal information about the victim. They may steal your wallet or purse and engage in email scams to get information.
     A person's identity is stolen when someone gains unauthorized access into their personal accounts. The victim has accounts opened up in their names by the criminal. The thief may get a driver's license issued with their picture and the victim's name. The thief counterfeits checks and make plenty of unauthorized purchases in the victim's name. The thief may get phone service or other utility services in the victim's name.
     If you are a victim of identity theft, you should place a fraud alert on credit reports and review credit reports. Government issued identifications should be cancel and replacements should be obtained.  Accounts should be closed and a police report should be filed. In addition, a complaint should be filed with the Federal Trade Commission.
     A person can prove that he/she is a victim of identity theft by presenting records with fraudulent signatures. Companies should also be contacted to get records of transactions. This can be a lengthy process; therefore, the victim needs to be very organized and knowledgeable about the case in order to prove that his/her identity was indeed stolen.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sweatin' Outside My Comfort Zone

I worked out with my aunt. That was definitely outside of my comfort zone. My aunt is 63 years old, but she has the energy of a 16 year old. I explained to her that I was trying to get some points for my class, but she did not have any mercy on me. She popped in her Jillian Michael's exercise DVD and proceeded to call out commands to me as if she starred in the making of this video herself. This workout involved a lot of jumping around and squats. I really had a hard time keeping up and kept glancing at my watch so that I could call it quits. After it was over, I hobbled to the refrigerator to get some water and to reflect on the fact that I really need to become more active because my aunt who is almost twice my age had just shamed me. I do recommend this exercise DVD to others who are interested. Maybe one day I will build up the courage to try it again. If and when I do try it again, I will do it by myself.

Narrative Games

Despite prior warnings not to get frustrated playing Peasant's Quest, I still got frustrated. I wandered around aimlessly for about eighteen minutes and twenty-three seconds before I was killed. I wanted to try my luck before reading the walk through cheat sheet. I tried to cross the river, but it did not work. I tried to get the rock, but it would not budge. When I typed "get rock",  I received a message back asking me for what and it said that I was making up puzzles to solve. I came to the inn and tried to get inside, but the door was locked. According to the note, the innkeeper was gone fishing. Finally, I was able to talk to the lady with the baby at the hut. I wanted to sleep, but was not allowed. I tried to get hay, but was informed that there was more hay several screens over. The lady informed me that something was lost in the yard. I tried to search the bushes and dirt to find the lost item, but I did not have any luck. I left the yard and was pounded on the head by some large creature. I have googled the directions for the walk through. Before attempting Peasant's Quest again, I will read the cheat sheet.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Emerging Technology

The Intel Corporation is involved in rigorous research about programmable matter. The theoretical physicist discusses shape shifting. The scientists are researching programmable matter. This is matter that can change shape and color at the push of a button. This happens when atoms rearrange themselves.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My role in protecting the privacy of my students

As a counselor, I play a vital role in protecting the privacy of my students. I never let student matters be a topic for gossip in the teacher's lounge. When dealing with private matters and student information, I use extreme caution to ensure that the information is kept confidential. I only disclose personal information when I have parental/guardian permission in writing. In addition, I only disclose student information to other school officials when they have a legitimate interest in the information. I do my best to protect the privacy of my students.

Sweatin' while I work

It is sad to say, but I normally lead a sedentary life when it comes to working out. I was glad for this quest because it allowed me to wipe the dust off of my exercise bike. I rode for 30 minutes and felt great afterwards. My hunger level was not affected by the workout. However, I was extremely thirsty and was glad that I thought to put a bottle of water in the top of my refrigerator. It did the trick and helped quench my thirst. My legs were a little sore from peddling so vigorously during my workout. In the future, I am going to try to fit working out into my busy schedule. I could really stand to lose all of those extra pounds.