Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Content Curation

Storify can be used to help students connect with the news. Photos and videos can be collected and merged into one document that chronicles events. Storify would be great to use in a history classroom to create a timeline of events. It could also be used to create a multimedia book report. The following link gives additional information about Storify: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/storify/. The storify logo looks like this
storify curation tool

Intervue Me

Intervue is an excellent tool. Teachers can pose open ended questions and students can give video responses to the questions. This would also be an excellent way for students who may want some input about various subject matter to pose questions. People can click on the question and if they opt to respond, give a video response. The responses can either be public or private. Elementary teachers can use this to give spelling tests and have students spell the words. Also, this would be a great tool to use to do virtual literature circles and have book talks.

Remind 101

Remind 101 is a website that allows teachers to communicate with students and parents. Once a teacher adds a class, a unique code is generated. The teacher shares the code with the students and parents and they can use this code to subscribe to the teacher's class. Teachers can send messages about homework, field trips, tests, PTO meetings. Any information that the teacher needs to make the students and parents aware of can be shared via Remind 101. I highly recommend teachers to go to https://www.remind101.com/ and sign up immediately to begin using this excellent resource.

Narrative Games 2

After trying unsuccessfully for about five minutes to get through the front door in Covert Front, I finally gave up and looked at the walk through. I don't think I would have ever figured out on my own how to get in. I thought repeatedly buzzing the intercom was the key, but I was very wrong. After peeking at the cheat sheet so that I could get through the front door, I promised myself that I would not look at it again. However, after wandering around aimlessly in the mansion and clicking on every object in sight, I soon got tired and decided, to look at the walk through again. It was much easier once the instructions were laid out. I went in the kitchen and got the ice pick and matches, I went in the room and set the clock in order to get the clock key. I went in the little room under the stairs and went several other places inside. I pointed and click for a while until I got tired of seeing "go back" pop up. I did not enjoy playing Covert Front.