Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Video Game Seduction Secrets Reflection

Some of the same principles applied in gaming should also be applied in the educational arena. The magic circle is mentioned in the article. This is where the rules of the real world do not apply. A learning environment should be a magic circle where the stakeholders play by their own set of rules. In the world of gamers their are many interesting tools. This is true in the educational world as well. There are many interesting tools that can be used to enhance learner. Games use the self determination theory. This theory should also be emphasized in all ares. Therefore, the parties can reach the next stage and acquire rewards and bonuses for exceeding standards.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Reflections on Jane MacGonigal's Talk

Jane MacGonigal is a very captivating speaker. She held my attention from the very moment the video started until the very end. My initial impression of the talk was shock. I was shocked at the number of hours a week we spend playing games. When she mentioned that this was not enough time, I did not think she was serious until she clarified that she was indeed serious. I definitely agree with what she said about seeing the same expression of someone on the verge of an epic win on the face of someone who is trying to solve real life problems. The same energy and concentration should be put into real life that is put into games. I do believe play and learning can be combined. This class is the perfect example of that.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Reflection on the Ted Talk

I was really surprised at the amount of money people spend buying virtual items in games. I was not surprised at the number of people who play the games. I am an avid gamer and I know that millions of people are avid gamers as well. This talk may impact my approach to designing games. I will put a lot of effort into creating games that are very engaging and that will give the players intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.l I like the idea of the experience bar to measure progress. Also, I think the long and short term aims are a great idea. Rewarding effort is good too because the users may be more motivated when they are rewarded just for trying.

Second Life

     Second Life is a virtual world. The users are called residents and they interact with each other. Residents can select and avatar. They explore different destinations and they can buy virtual property. Residents can also communicate and participate in different activities.
    I think the overall usability of Second Life in enriching. Users can go on virtual journeys and communicate with people all around the world. This can all be done behind the mask of an avatar. I think the possibilities of an awesome online experience while using Second Life are endless. I also believe that Second Life has a bright future because it gives its residents an escape from their everyday life experiences.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The $35 Tablet

This tablet is very innovative and cheap. Users can surf the Internet, type, and use various other applications. The design of the tablet is simplistic. The focus is on the performance and not the style. This tablet can have a large impact on education because the low price makes it easily accessible and more children will be able to have one and interace in a fast pace society that has technology as its driving force. Check out this tablet at http://venturebeat.com/2011/10/26/aakash-android-tablet-exclusive/ .

My top Ed Tech Picks for 2012

My top Ed Tech Picks for 2012 are FLRT which stands for Fluent Reading Training and Ascend Math. FLRT is a reading fluency tool that is great to use and has proven effective for fluent readers. Users are able to get an analysis of their reading. Then, they receive direct instruction during a one-on-one lesson.
Ascend math is a web based program that identifies students' weaknesses. The students can then work on interactive lessons and math practice to help improve math skills.