Thursday, March 29, 2012

Teaching in a Virtual World Reflection

Traditional instructional design and design for teaching in a virtual world are both similar in that the both require a lot of planning. Lesson plans, objectives, and evaluations are used in both traditional instruction and virtual world instruction. Traditional instruction normally takes place in a classroom, but in virtual worlds classroom space is built or rented. Virtual instructional design takes learning to a whole new level. Learners can construct things and the creators can design whatever they like. Interaction, stimulation, and collaboration enable learning in the virtual environment. Virtual worlds promote more in depth knowledge of the subject matter and facilitate a better learning experience. Social persistence is the idea of keeping people around socially. It is very important because it can be determine how people interact. Data collection is important because it can be used to gauge reactions. It is also used to see who visits virtual worlds and to track use of space. Data collection is also used to determine what promotes use of various features in the virtual worlds. This information is useful because it can help the designers determine ways to implement things in the worlds that will be interesting to those dare venture.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Using Evernote

A practical way to use Evernote in the classroom would be to use an electronic portfolio to house four year educational plans. Students could create the portfolio when they first enter high school. They could add all of the courses they are taking during that particular year. Each year the students could add their classes to their portfolios. They could also input their assigned grades and credits. Therefore, they could have all of this important information at their fingertips. Standardized test scores could be added and students could keep up with their grade point averages. Students could also add information about their plans for life after high school. During the eleventh grade year, they could start researching different majors and colleges and start adding that information to the portfolios.With Evernote, the possibilities are endless.